How Important is Your Photography?

Quote from Builder Magazine

“So why do so many home builders give photography short shrift? The primary reason is usually that there are a million other things to do. Unfortunately, when it comes time to update the website or run new ads or create new marketing pieces, the lack of photos becomes a big deal. So then, they send their salesperson out to grab a few shots with a smart phone. Don’t your homes deserve better?”

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Quote from RIS Media

“It might seem obvious—or go without saying—that good photography and videography are critical for your success as a real estate professional.

But when you dig into the numbers, just how much of an impact good visuals make borders on shocking. Check out some of these stats:

  • Homes with high quality photography sell 32 percent faster.
  • Homes with more photossell faster, too; a home with one photo spends an average 70 days on the market; but a home with 20 photos spends 32 days on the market.
  • For homes in the $200,000-$1 million range, those that include high-quality photography in their listings sell for $3,000-$11,000 more.” (I believe it is more)

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